Establishment in 1985.
About 120 staff in Hong Kong and China.
Products :
1. Construction and Mining
2. Generating Set and Power Solution
3. Security System
4. Energy Saving LED lighting
5. Solar System
Headquarter in Hong Kong.
2 subsidiary companies and 3 companies in mainland China.
Our offices, depots and maintenance centers are widely spread out in Shenzhen, Dongguan, Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Chongqing, Nanning, Zhengzhou, Nanjing and Guiyang etc. Providing services and equipment as generator, industrial equipment, centralized air conditioning, air compressors, etc.
Jackwell’s major business consists of central air-conditioning, heavy construction equipment, telecom equipment, marine machinery and transportation service.
We were appointed as a regional agent and distribute the products of Ingersoll-rand and Atlas Copco for more than ten years. Afterward, many large projects were completed, including the Daiya Bay Nuclear Power Plant Phase II, Three Gorges Dam Project of the Yangtze River, Xiaolangdi Project in Luoyang, the Liaohe Oil Field, Pakistan and Nepal Hydro-electric Power Plant projects.
Recently, we concentrate mainly on cement plants and our major customers include Conch, Taiwan Cement, China Resources, CNBM group etc.
As a dealer of Carrier, Jackwell distributes different types of Carrier chillers mainly in the Fujian and Guangdong provinces. We supply and install chillers, air handling units fan coils, and so on. we also provide our customers with Johnson's Control equipment, including building automation systems, fire automation systems and security systems.
LED Energy Saving
Jackwell -Locktronix Electric Lock Patent Certificate
For China Factory
Jackwell Trade Mark Certificate in China and Hong Kong
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